第31屆 ISSCT 大會將在印度舉行
The XXXI ISSCT Congress will be held in the city of Hyderabad in India from 20th to 23rd February 2023
The XXXI ISSCT Congress will be held in the city of Hyderabad in India from 20th to 23rd February 2023, this is the third time that India will host this prestigious event after successful Congresses in 1956 and 1999.
This conference represents the world's most advanced sugar crystallization processes and technology in this field, many industry experts, scholars and equipment manufacturers from all over the world will go to India to attend this event. Thus can witness India's diverse cultural heritage, traditions, food and beliefs, then to make India more unique.
We are glad to tell you that our two famous technical experts Markus Honkanen and Hannu Eloranta from Pixact Ltd will also participate the XXXI ISSCT congress, please come to visit at IPRO booth in the trade exhibition and watch presentation titled “Automatic pan microscope measurement of sugar crystals and its utilization in real-time crystallization control”. Sneak peak for the subject can be found there.
The Pixact Crystallization Monitoring system(PCM)has been designed for the visualization and analysis of crystals in industrial processes, such as sugar crystallization, fine chemicals, chemical recovery and active pharmaceutical ingredients.The technology combines in-situ process microscopy with advanced image analysis techniques. PCM provides a live camera view and characteristic data of crystallization behavior in real time, such as size distribution, morphology and concentration. The measurement results by PCM can help you to optimize, control and troubleshoot your process efficiently.
The Pixact Crystallization Monitoring system(PCM)has flexible configurations, and can be installed into a variety of applications, such as laboratories and manufacturing, continuous and batch crystallization processes of Sucrose crystallization. The PCM system can be used to optimize evaporating crystallization process, thus to save energy and continually improve production and quality.
It’s our pleasure to see you at the IPRO booth, We can provide more details of the Pixact Crystallization Monitoring system(PCM)for you. We Beijing Hiferg Technology acts as the exclusive agent of Pixact Ltd in China, any other applications and instruments you can directly contact us, looking forward to the opportunity of getting to know each other, thanks.
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